Peenya Cremation Ground

Exploring Peenya Cremation Ground: A Guide to Funeral Services

Last updated on June 10th, 2024

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The Peenya Cremation Ground, situated in Bengaluru, Karnataka is one of the biggest and most active incineration offices in India. Laid out during the 1960s, the cremation ground sees many memorial service fires being lit each and every day to play out the last ceremonies of the departed. 

For the overwhelming majority of occupant families in Bengaluru and encompassing regions, Peenya crematorium has turned into the default area for leading incinerations and last rituals. In this article, I will give an outline of the Peenya Cremation Ground and the common Peenya cremation services given here.

A Concise History of Peenya Cremation Ground

The land where the Peenya Cremation Ground presently stands was initially involved by cultivating networks in the town of Peenya. In the last part of the 1960s, as Bengaluru started quickly urbanizing, the requirement for a huge public incineration office emerged. The public authority gained more than 30 sections of land and laid out the Peenya Cremation Ground to take special care of the developing populace.

 From that point forward, three different augmentations have been added to expand the complete region to around 65 sections of land today. Which began as a couple of fires and essential changing offices currently gets many bodies for incineration consistently.

What are the facilities available at Peenya Cremation Ground?

The Peenya Cremation Ground is exposed over a huge region with substantial stages for performing incinerations. There are independent segments allotted in view of religion and local area – one piece is saved for Hindu customs, one more for Christian/other last ceremonies. The Hindu segment houses more than 300 individual substantial stages, referred to locally as ‘maths’, where memorial service fires can be lit at the same time. 

Different offices incorporate evolving rooms, petition corridors, and a huge holding up region. Regulatory structures house staff workplaces and record rooms. While fundamental in conveniences, the size of tasks and nonstop administrations make it an occupied at this point significant office.

Funeral Technique and Peenya Cremation Ground Services 

At the point when a body shows up at Peenya, the initial step is confirmation and enlistment at the fundamental office. Subtleties, for example, name, age, date of appearance are noted. The body is then taken to the particular strict segment by staff and funeral home vans. 

For Hindu customs, the family minister helps with the starter rituals like purifying and dressing the body. Wood logs are organized on an abandoned math and the fire is lit involving ghee or explained margarine according to custom. Relatives and family members say their last farewells and circle the fire. 

Proficient specialists guarantee the blazes are kept up with until full incineration. The remains and extra bones are gathered the following day for definite inundation ceremonies by family. The whole interaction typically requires 2-3 hours on a normal day. Different administrations like post-incineration ceremonies are passed on to particular religions and ministers to lead.

Costs and Different Offices

The fundamental incineration administrations given by Peenya Cremation Ground are liberated from cost for all guests as it is government-run. In any case, extra conveniences and administrations will draw in ostensible charges. For instance, employing the wooden logs for the memorial service fire is Rs.300-500. Morgue vans charge Rs.1000-1500 for shipping the body contingent upon the area. 

Brief sheds for pre-ceremonial exercises can be leased for Rs.100-200. There is likewise a committed region for letting the cat out of the bag for those performing yearly passing rituals or last rituals of family members abroad. A little bottle gives tea and snacks to holding up families. While essential, these extra administrations guarantee stately grieving and accommodation for all.

Traffic and Stopping Misfortunes

With such a high volume of exercises day to day, traffic and stopping issues are a central issue inside Peenya Cremation Ground. Many confidential vehicles, morgue vans and travel vehicles need to flawlessly ship bodies and work with rituals over the course of the day. Be that as it may, the restricted interior street space and parking areas battle to adapt up. 

During top hours or celebrations, vehicles are seen left aimlessly impeding access. This adds to postponements and bother for different guests. There have been numerous conversations about further developing flow and giving staggered stopping however subsidizes crunch has implied negligible advancement up to this point. The traffic specialists likewise need to redirect tension from primary streets during occupied timings.

Job in Encompassing People group

While fundamentally an office for last rituals, throughout the long term Peenya Cremation Ground plays fostered a functioning part in the encompassing networks. Numerous independent ventures have come up giving fundamental labor and products to lamenting families. These incorporate flower vendors, ministers, caterers and custom material shops just external the entryways.

A few resident working communities are also dependent on jobs related to the crematorium operations such as wood log suppliers and monument stone carvers. Several religious and voluntary organizations also conduct prayer meetings and counseling for mourners here. As it were, the incineration ground has turned into a point of convergence uniting individuals from confidence and business foundations.

Future Developments and Conclusion

With the constant expansion of Bengaluru city limits, there has been discussion about developing a new and larger centralized crematorium in the outskirts. However, given its history of over 50 years of dedicated service, the age-old Peenya Cremation Ground still remains the first choice for last rites for most residents here. 

The Karnataka government has proposed redesigns like stretching out the capacity to 1000 flames regularly, setting up crucial comforts like drinking water and public facilities, and further creating access roads. 

While challenges of scale exist, with timely improvements, the cremation ground is set to sustain as the nerve center of peenya cremation services for local communities for many more years to come. It will proceed with its helpful job giving honourable section to the left spirits and backing to lamenting families.

All in all, the Peenya Cremation Ground remains as a demonstration of Bengaluru’s quick development and metropolitan change over the course of the last many years. Though basic in its functioning, it ensures no one is deprived of traditional last rites due to social or economic status. 

While grappling with capacity issues, timely infra upgrades can help it serve the city well into the future. Its long relationship with private areas likewise makes it a socio-social milestone for the networks around.

Believ is a company located in Bangalore that provides cremation services at the large Peenya Cremation Ground, assisting families with funeral pyres, administrative paperwork, and other last rites needs.

Picture of About The Author

About The Author

Madhu is an Entrepreneur, a Mentor, a Writer and an Aspiring Car Race Driver. He is Deeply passionate about leveraging Technology and Human Centred Design to make complex care and End of Life Planning easier. With the ultimate aim of Improving the quality of Life in the Twilight years. Madhu is highly educated and Alumni of IIM-Bangalore, Sikkim Manipal University and Bangalore University besides a Rich Industry Experience in the field of Product Management, Design, Supply chain, Finance, Commercial Management and Funeral Services.

Picture of Madhu


An Entrepreneur, a Mentor, a Writer and an Aspiring Car Race Driver. He is Deeply passionate about leveraging Technology and Human Centred Design to make complex care and End of Life Planning easier. With the ultimate aim of Improving the quality of Life in the Twilight years. Madhu is highly educated and Alumni of IIM-Bangalore, Sikkim Manipal University and Bangalore University besides a Rich Industry Experience in the field of Product Management, Design, Supply chain, Finance, Commercial Management and Funeral Services.

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