Funeral and Cremation Services for the Iyer Community

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Funeral Services for the Iyer Community

We as the human race are divided by the cultural ties and boundaries of social structure. This is often seen in different religions, castes and communities. However, we are all bound by the unavoidable occurrence of the death. As unfortunate as this event can get, losing a loved one causes havoc and sorrow in every family or household across various communities. However, there is a unique way in which each group bids adieu to their loved deceased one. Iyer Community in India follows certain practices specific to their belief system. These practices are deeply rooted in their cultural system, in the hope to offer peace and tranquillity to the departed soul. Additionally, we also offer all-inclusive arrangements for the 9th to 12th or 13th day of the funeral offering, we are flexible as per the traditions and practices followed in your family.

We provide Iyer Community Funeral Services with rituals specific to each day, from Day 1 to Day 14

Beleiv assists you at every step of the funeral services. From connecting you to well-learnt priests, arranging for Pooja items, booking slots or halls, and seamlessly managing all arrangements. The Iyer Community follows the funeral rituals in a systematic process spanning 13 days:

  • On the day of the demise, Kriyas and rituals are performed by priests with prayers and hymns chanted, followed by more ceremonies and Dhanam Kriya at the cremation pyre.
  • On the 2nd or 3rd day, the burnt remains like ashes and bones are collected, followed by invoking blessings for the solace of the deceased and immersing the asthi visarjan (remains) in water bodies.
  • From day 1 to the 9th day, there is a daily offering in terms of Nitya Karma, and Shraddha are observed. 
  • 10th day sees Pind Daan or offering services, with a group of learned priests facilitating this noble process.
  • 11th day has Rudrajapam or intense chants, by a group of priests. Pind Daan and Shraddh are also offered a respectful farewell to the dead.
  • 12th day observes Sapindikarana, a process to offer Karya and Danam (offerings) to priests.
  • The 13th day observes Masika or periodic Shraddhs, delivered cumulatively with well-versed practices and hymns.
  • The 13th and 14th days believe in having a close gathering of families and well-wishers for a funeral feast or Vaikuntha Samaradhane.


As the procedures in an Iyer Community can get very elaborate. It is now commonly seen that people go for the preplanning of funerals for the Iyer Community. In India, these services are newly emerging and Beleiv is a proud pioneer to help the Iyer community with smooth and structured planning of their funerals in advance. This has several benefits like managing and handling expenses more efficiently and smartly. Also, as death can occur in an untimely manner, pre-planning funerals can keep the family and friends of the deceased a step away from the hassles of last-minute preparations where the availability of certain services may be difficult to obtain. 

Cremation Services For the Iyer community

Every Community has a different way to offer final tributes to the dead. Some look for burials while others follow cremation services. Generally, the Hindu Community in India goes for cremations. The cremation services for the Iyer Community are exclusively offered at Beleiv where end-to-end processes are ensured and taken care of. Be it obtaining and listing necessary documents, slot booking and confirmation or arranging materials and items for the religious and personalised practices at the crematorium. Additionally, people can express varied preferences on wanting traditional wood pyres or electric facilities for the cremation services for the Iyer Community. Beleiv is well-informed about the procedures for both options and additional personalisation options. The close ties maintained with the staff at different cremation locations across India, helps Beleiv to offer cremation services with both professionalism and personalisation.

Asthi Visarjan Services for the Iyer community

Asthi Visarjan or immersion of the cremated remains of your loved one is an important step in the funeral procession of the Iyer Community. This ritual comes from a strong sense of value and belief to release these worldly entities of the deceased to elevate them towards their next advent of peace, prosperity and solace. Most people prefer observing these rituals at the local water bodies in their cities while some look for holy places like Kashi, Gaya, Haridwar or Rameswaram to immerse the remains. Beleiv is responsive to these considerations and understands your needs for Asthi Visarjan services for the Iyer Community like nobody else! From arranging for pooja items or samagri to having a learned pandit, accommodation and slot arrangements, we take care of every facility for a smooth funeral service for the Iyer Community.

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Funeral service in India


What are the different types of funeral services in India?
In India, the passing of a loved one is a solemn and emotional time. The funeral services in India that follow play an important role in paying the last rites by giving an apt and respectful farewell and honouring the deceased. This brings and provides comfort to their family and friends in their emotionally tiring moments. Fortunately, there are a variety of funeral services in India that are available to accommodate different and varied customs and preferences.

One of the most common funeral services in India is traditional cremation. This involves burning the deceased person’s body on a pyre, typically made of wood, until it is reduced to ashes. The ashes are then collected and dispersed in a sacred body of water, such as a river or sea. This practice is popular among Hindus, who believe that cremation liberates the soul from the physical body.

Another popular option is electric cremation, which is similar to traditional cremation, but the body is burned using an electric furnace instead of a pyre. This method is becoming increasingly popular in urban areas where land for traditional cremation may be scarce. It is also considered more environmentally friendly as it produces fewer pollutants.

Burial is another option for funeral services in India. This involves burying the deceased person’s body in a cemetery or designated burial ground. This practice is more common among Christians and Muslims, who consider it a more respectful way to lay their loved ones to rest.

Finally, some families choose to donate the deceased person’s body to medical institutions for research or education purposes. This practice is becoming more common in India as people become more aware of the need for organ donation and medical research.

Overall, the different types of funeral services in India offer a range of options to accommodate different customs and preferences. It is important to work with a reputable funeral service provider to ensure that the service is respectful and meets the needs of the family and community.
How do Parsis conduct funeral services in India?
Parsis, also known as Zoroastrians, are a small but tight-knit community in India with a unique funeral service tradition. The Parsi funeral service, known as the “dokhmenashini” or “Tower of Silence” ritual, is an ancient and sacred practice that has been passed down through generations.

The dokhmenashini ritual involves placing the deceased person’s body in an open tower, known as a “dakhma,” where it is exposed to the elements and the vultures that inhabit the area. The Parsis believe that this practice allows the soul to depart from the body and ascend to the heavens, while the vultures, which are considered sacred in their religion, perform a vital ecological function by consuming the remains.

The dokhmenashini ritual is only performed in certain locations, such as the Towers of Silence in Mumbai and Pune and Bangalore. The towers are situated on elevated hills and are surrounded by lush greenery, providing a peaceful and serene environment for the ritual.

The funeral service is typically conducted by a Parsi priest, who recites sacred verses and prayers while the family members gather outside the tower. After the ritual is complete, the ashes and bones of the deceased person are collected and placed in an ossuary, a special structure designed for this purpose.

The Parsi funeral services in India are a deeply spiritual and meaningful practice for the community. It reflects their respect for nature and their belief in the afterlife. Although it may seem unusual to outsiders, it is an important part of the Parsi culture and tradition.
How do I find a provider for funeral services in India?

When a loved one passes away, finding a reputable and reliable provider or platform for funeral services in India is an important and challenging process. While there are many options available in India, finding the right provider can be difficult and strenuous. Here are some tips to help you find a funeral service provider in India:


  1. Search online: One of the easiest ways to find a provider for funeral services in India is by searching online. You can use search engines like Google to find providers in your area. Look for reviews and ratings to help you determine which providers are reputable and reliable.
  2. Ask for recommendations: Another effective way to find funeral services in India is by asking for recommendations from friends, family, or colleagues who may have used such services before. They can provide valuable insights into the quality of services provided and help you make an informed decision.
  3. Check with local community groups: In India, local community groups often have ties with funeral service providers. You can reach out to these groups to ask for recommendations or referrals to reputable providers.
  4. Visit funeral homes: Visiting local funeral homes and meeting with their representatives can also help you find a reliable funeral service provider. You can ask about the range of services offered, pricing, and any other questions you may have.
  5. Consult with religious or cultural organizations: If you belong to a particular religious or cultural group, you can reach out to their organizations for guidance on finding a suitable funeral service provider that meets the specific needs and customs of your group.


When selecting a provider for funeral services in India, it is important to choose an established entity like Beleiv, that is reputable, reliable, and compassionate. You should also consider the range of services offered, pricing, and any additional support provided to help you navigate this difficult time.

How to customize funeral services in India as per my beliefs and practices through Beleiv?

Beleiv offers customizable funeral services in India with a pleasant experience that allows you to personalize your funeral preferences according to your beliefs and practices. Here are the steps you can take to customize your funeral preferences through Beleiv:


  1. Contact   +91 99012 24122 OR send a mail to


  1. To begin customizing your funeral preferences, you will need to create an account on the Beleiv website. You can do this by visiting the website and submitting your basic information such as your name, Email, Phone no. and your message to us by clicking the “submit” button.
  2. Select your funeral preferences: Once you have contacted us, you need to give the information about the death of your loved one. You will be given different funeral services to select from according to your preferences. You can select the type of funeral service you prefer, such as traditional cremation or burial, electric cremation, or donation to medical institutions. You can also choose other preferences such as the type of funeral flowers, music, and other details that reflect your beliefs and practices.
  3. Customize the funeral services in India: After selecting your funeral preferences, you can further customize the funeral service by choosing specific rituals, prayers, or readings that are important to you. You can also add specific instructions or requests for the funeral service, such as the attire for attendees or the specific location for scattering the ashes.
  4. Review and confirm: Once you have customized your funeral preferences, be sure to review them carefully to ensure that all your preferences have been captured accurately. If you need to make any changes, you can do so before finalizing your preferences. Once you are satisfied, you can confirm and finalize your funeral preferences.
  5. Share your preferences with your loved ones: Beleiv provides an option to share your funeral preferences with your loved ones, so they are aware of your wishes in the event of your passing. You can also keep a copy of your preferences with your personal documents for safekeeping.
What is the approximate cost of funeral services in India?
Funeral services in India can be varied in terms of cost depending on the location, type of service, and cultural traditions.

In general, the cost of a funeral service in India can range from around INR 10,000 to INR 50,000 or more, depending on the expenses related to the cremation or burial, the cost of the casket or urn, and other related expenses. However, these costs can vary widely depending on the region, city, and local customs.

The cost of a cremation can range from INR 5,000 to INR 15,000, depending on the location and the facilities available. The cost of burial can also vary depending on the location and the type of grave site chosen. Other expenses may include the cost of flowers, transport, and funeral director’s services.

It is worth noting that the cost of funeral services in India can be a significant burden for families, especially in cases where unexpected death occurs. Many people opt for insurance policies or other forms of financial planning to help cover the costs associated with a funeral service.

In summary, the cost of funeral services in India can vary widely depending on the location, type of service, and cultural traditions. Families should consider their options carefully and plan ahead to ensure that they can afford to give their loved ones a dignified farewell.
Is “Embalming” necessary for conducting funeral services in India?
Embalming is not a necessary requirement for funeral services in India. In fact, it is not a common practice in many parts of the country.

Traditionally, in India, the deceased are cremated or buried within 24 hours of their death, in accordance with religious or cultural customs. Embalming is typically only done when there is a need to transport the body over a long distance, or if there is a delay in the funeral service due to legal or other reasons.

Embalming is the process of preserving a body using chemicals such as formaldehyde to delay the onset of decomposition. However, in India, the quick turnaround time between death and the funeral service means that there is usually no need for embalming.

Furthermore, many people in India prefer natural burial or cremation without any chemical interventions. This is often in accordance with religious beliefs or cultural customs, such as the belief that the body should return to nature in its natural form.

In summary, embalming is not a necessary requirement for funeral services in India and is not a common practice in many parts of the country. Families should consult with their funeral director or religious leaders to determine what options are available and appropriate for their situation.
Engaging a provider for funeral services in India is becoming increasingly popular due to a variety of factors.

Firstly, urbanization and changing lifestyles have led to a decline in traditional family support systems, leaving individuals and families without the necessary resources to arrange a funeral themselves. In such situations, funeral service providers offer a range of services, from body retrieval and transport to cremation or burial, to help families cope with the practicalities of death and grief.

Secondly, as India becomes more affluent, people are becoming more willing to spend money on funeral services as a way of honouring in a dignified way their loved ones. Funeral service providers offer a range of packages, from basic to high-end, that cater to the diverse needs and budgets of their clients.

Thirdly, funeral service providers offer a degree of professionalism and expertise that many families find reassuring during a difficult time. They have the necessary experience, equipment, and facilities to manage every aspect of a funeral, from the preparation of the body to the arrangement of the funeral procession.

Fourthly, funeral service providers often provide support to families beyond the funeral itself. This may include grief counselling or assistance with paperwork and legal formalities, such as death certificates and insurance claims.

In summary, engaging a funeral service provider in India is becoming increasingly popular due to urbanization, changing lifestyles, rising affluence, the need for professionalism and expertise, and the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic and other health hazards.
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