Burial and cremation are two traditional ways of letting go of your loved one after their demise. However, in recent years, new methods of burial and cremation have emerged that offer more environmentally friendly and innovative alternatives. In this blog, we will explore some of these new ways of burial and cremation services in Bangalore.

Green Burial

One of the new methods of burial is called “green burial.” In a green burial, the body is buried in a biodegradable casket or shroud, without embalming fluids, and placed in a natural setting such as a meadow or forest. The idea behind green burial is to allow the body to decompose naturally and return to the earth, without using chemicals or non-biodegradable materials. This method is gaining popularity among those who are concerned about the environmental impact of traditional burial practices.


Another new method of burial is “aquamation,” also known as alkaline hydrolysis. This is a process that uses water and alkali to break down the body into its basic components. The resulting liquid can be safely disposed of, and the remaining bones can be pulverized and given to the family as ashes. This method is more environmentally friendly than traditional cremation, as it produces fewer greenhouse gas emissions.

Water Cremation

Cremation has also seen some new developments in recent years. One of these is “water cremation,” also known as “aquamation,” “resomation,” or “bio-cremation.” In this process, the body is placed in a vessel filled with water and alkali, and heated to a high temperature. This causes the body to break down into its basic components, leaving behind only the bones, which are then pulverized into ashes. Water cremation is seen as a more environmentally friendly alternative to traditional cremation, as it produces fewer greenhouse gas emissions and does not require as much energy.


Another new method of cremation is “promession.” In this process, the body is frozen using liquid nitrogen and then vibrated to break into small particles. The particles are then dried and processed to remove any metals or other non-biodegradable materials. The resulting material can then be buried or used as fertilizer. This method is seen as a more environmentally friendly alternative to traditional cremation, as it does not produce greenhouse gas emissions and allows the body to return to the earth more naturally.


In addition to these new methods of burial and cremation, there are also new options for memorializing the deceased. For example, some people choose to have their ashes turned into a tree through a process called “bios urns.” The ashes are mixed with soil and placed in a biodegradable urn, which is then planted in the ground. The urn acts as a fertilizer for the tree, allowing it to grow and thrive. This method of memorializing the deceased is seen as a more positive and life-affirming way to remember them.


In conclusion, new methods of burial and cremation are emerging that offer more environmentally friendly and innovative alternatives to traditional practices. From green burials and water cremation to promession and bios urns, these new methods allow for the body to return to the earth more naturally and sustainably. As our society becomes more conscious of our impact on the environment, these new methods are likely to gain popularity, offering a more meaningful and eco-friendly way to honour and remember the deceased.

Beleiv pays keen attention to the changing preferences of the people and is here to assist you with personalised Cremation Services in Bangalore and other parts of India. The team is also backed with all knowledge and skills to take up tasks on decoration, venue arrangement, dead body transportation, and funeral services in Bangalore.

Get in touch with Beleiv to know more!

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