cremation services in bangalore

Sustainable Cremation Practices in Bangalore

Last updated on October 1st, 2024

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Cities such as Bangalore are now keen on finding sustainable and eco-friendly approaches to life in a city that has an overwhelming pace of life. One industry that has been gaining much attention lately would have to be the cremation industry and how the industry is raising sustainable cremation practices. This article will describe details about – the activities, beginning from one of the earlier establishments of an institution in this city, that is, the Wilson Garden Electric Crematorium.

The importance of green cremation

Wilson Garden electric crematorium

Indians have practiced cremation for generations, but the environmental effects of the older methods of cremation have been a growing issue. Conventionally, fossil fuels are employed in crematoriums to burn and consequently end up emitting greenhouse gases and pollutants in the air. Furthermore, dust and other residues produced during the process of cremation cause environmental problems.

This should be achieved through green cremation, which is of course more eco-friendly. In this regard, these traditions emphasize lessening rather than lessening the value related to their cultural and spiritual lives.

The Wilson Garden Electric Crematorium: Ecological cremation

It is, therefore, understandable that this facility leads the list of sustainable in Bangalore for cremation. After all, the goal defined for its operator is “Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike” (BBMP) – environmental responsibility and energy conservation.

The Green Concept

This crematorium is equipped with far more advanced technology than most crematoriums out there, especially the Wilson Garden Electric Crematorium. The electric cremation chambers are built on top of which are solar panels, and so the two consume renewable energy only. This is one of the approaches to cremation that greatly minimizes the carbon footprint of the entire process as it eliminates the use of any fossil fuel in cremation.

Effective Waste Management

Not only an eco-friendly crematorium system but sustainable waste management, is taken care of in the Wilson Garden Electric Crematorium. The cremation facility was working on a systematic process to deal with the disposal of ashes and other by-products and committed itself to sound handling environmentally. A special container is being used for storage and transportation of ashes and the proposed ash immersion site is to be developed.

Emphasis on education & raising awareness

Apart from environmentally peaceful cremation, the Wilson Garden Electric Crematorium aims to enlighten members on environmentally friendly techniques. Several people are not familiar with eco-cremation due to the rarity of the practice thus through functions such as workshops and campaigns the facility educates the public on the advantages of eco-cremation. This serves as pointers as to how even the normal ordinary man and woman can reduce their carbon footprint.

Green cremation’s benefits

Furthermore, the following are the further benefits of implementing eco-friendly cremation methods that affect the duration that Wilson Garden Electric Crematorium carries on serving people and much longer it takes for the natural environment to recover.

Prevention of Environmental Impact

Electric cremation is used at the Electric Crematorium of Wilson Garden and renewable energy sources and electric cremation chambers are used to limit any emissions from cremation processes from which the direct augmentation of air quality and lessening of conditions causing climate change would result.

Preservation of Resources

Further implicit in this green cremation is the conservation of natural resources. Wilson Garden Electric Crematorium’s comprehensive waste management plan established how those ashes will be properly disposed of and will not harm the environment if they are affected.

Acceptability in Culture

However, the last one is going to be the hardest to overcome cultural prejudices and folk beliefs connected with the acts of sustainable cremation. Thus, bad perception together with a general idea that the certain practice is too foreign and opposed to traditional rituals of death regarding funerals will slow adoption.

Cost-Effective Resolutions

Interestingly enough, eco-friendly cremation can even prove cheaper for families compared to the old method. The Wilson Garden Electric Crematorium has also priced its services competitively enough that this ecologically conscious cremation is possible for a wider cross-section.

Challenges and Considerations

Such developments include the likes of the Wilson Garden Electric Crematorium and several other green cremation facilities, yet some challenges and concerns do warrant attention.

Acceptability in Culture

Most importantly, it is going to be the hardest to defeat cultural biases and myths tied to the acts of sustainable cremation. Adoption will also be slow if there is a bad perception coupled with a general feeling that something is too alien and contrary to traditional rites of death about funeral rites. Continuous education and community involvement will determine overcoming these concerns.

Availability and Accessibility

Another is that there are very few environmentally friendly cremation services around the city, such as in the Wilson Garden Electric Crematorium. In the future, it should be offered to all because one of its purposes is to serve everybody.

Supervisory Frameworks

Another field under consideration is the regulatory frameworks on sustainable cremation. There needs to be a policymaker as well as a regulatory body that would be expected to provide guidelines and standards so that such methods would be handled responsibly at the industry level.

Bangalore Future of Environmentally Friendly Cremation

With Bangalore taking all the problems of urbanization and the environment, cremation facilities and centers like the Wilson Garden Electric Crematorium will be the point of departure. Expansion of such green cremation facilities across other parts of Bangalore would rank as one of the active future engagements. Acceptability and advantage of such practices already brought tremendous success to the Wilson Garden Electric Crematorium, and people are in a growing hurry to seek similar facilities in other parts of the city.


In the end, Wilson Garden Electric Crematorium serves as an example of how environmentally friendly and commercially sound operations can advance communities and environments. Furthermore, it is said that it could be viewed as a measure of cremation because it can support waste management, ecological design, and education. The Wilson Garden electric crematorium and other green cremation facilities will probably play a significant role shortly as Bangalore continues to develop into a more urbanized and environmentally conscious city.

Beleiv, one of the most popular funeral service-providing companies in Bangalore, has affiliated with Wilson Garden Electric Crematorium to extend and promote green cremation service opportunities to their clients to support the sustainable environment in this city.

Picture of About The Author

About The Author

Madhu is an Entrepreneur, a Mentor, a Writer and an Aspiring Car Race Driver. He is Deeply passionate about leveraging Technology and Human Centred Design to make complex care and End of Life Planning easier. With the ultimate aim of Improving the quality of Life in the Twilight years. Madhu is highly educated and Alumni of IIM-Bangalore, Sikkim Manipal University and Bangalore University besides a Rich Industry Experience in the field of Product Management, Design, Supply chain, Finance, Commercial Management and Funeral Services.

Picture of Madhu


An Entrepreneur, a Mentor, a Writer and an Aspiring Car Race Driver. He is Deeply passionate about leveraging Technology and Human Centred Design to make complex care and End of Life Planning easier. With the ultimate aim of Improving the quality of Life in the Twilight years. Madhu is highly educated and Alumni of IIM-Bangalore, Sikkim Manipal University and Bangalore University besides a Rich Industry Experience in the field of Product Management, Design, Supply chain, Finance, Commercial Management and Funeral Services.

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