Hindu Death Rituals

Hindu Death Rituals and Their Traditional Practices

Last updated on October 9th, 2024

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The Hindu funerary rite is complex, and elaborate. It has been cherished in a paramount position in the Hindu cremation traditions for they believe in life after death and the soul journey. These rituals differ greatly from one part of India to the other, but all echo the cardinal tenets of Hinduism. This article aims to discuss certain aspects of Hindu dying and death, more specifically the cremation services in Bangalore city.

That is why crematoriums like the Wilson Garden Electric Crematorium offer the best and most modern options for families in challenging situations in booming cities such as Bangalore. 

Knowing More About Death in Hinduism 

cremation services in Bangalore

The concept of death distinguishes Hinduism from other religions because it operates on a unique and complex arrangement of ideas. Hinduism does not consider death as the process, which puts an end to a person’s life but as a passage. As indicated the soul, which is also called atman, is timeless and is thought to go through samsara, which is death and rebirth.

The Moments After Death

As it concerns burials, immediately after an individual dies, it is the responsibility of the family of the deceased person to work on the dead body to prepare it for the necessary burial rites. The body is normally washed and placed on a wooden bed often set with flowers and other sacred images. The family makes prayers and chants words and mantras to bring peace to the soul of the dead person.

Significance of Timing

The Hindu death rites bear a great emphasis on time. Burial and cremation is done within the shortest time possible, preferably within 24 hours of the death. This is done to check the hanging of the soul within the realm of physique. If the death takes place in the evening, cremation can take place at a later time, especially when performing the rites during the daylight is seen as favorable.

Cremation: The Preferred Method

When it comes to the disposal of the dead, cremation ranks high among the Hindu population compared to burial. This method is founded on the assumption that fire has a cleaning role on the body and the soul facilitates the soul to rise to higher celestial planes. Funeral services itself are performed with respect otherwise the rituals of cremation tend to be performed with dignity and honor.

People usually prefer to employ providers of cremation services in Bangalore, who assist them in making arrangements for the cremation process and associated procedures. 

The Role of Fire

According to Hindu mythology, fire is divine and practices change or transformation. The fire used during cremation is used to free the soul from the body’ It is so believed because the body is burnt during cremation. With common practice, the eldest son of the deceased or any other male close relative is supposed to perform the act of lighting the pyre which is considered as a matter of prestige as well as honor for the sake of the dead body.

The Rituals of Cremation

Preparation of the Body

The corpse is then dressed in plain white garments because after burning the dead, nothing is left and everything is purified. Co-deceased family members may graciously put sacred threads around the neck or wrist of the deceased human body. This is immediately followed by the preparation of the body, which is then taken to the cremation site, by the family, friends, and priest.

The Cremation Process

On getting to the cremation site the body is placed on a wooden structure known as a pyre. All of the family members come closer and participate in several ceremonies like recitation of some special Mantras and offering of Arathi with some pooja items like rice and ghee. 

When the last rites are said the eldest son or any related male member ignites the funeral pyre and the condolence tributes watch as their dead are burned.

It is not a secret that families often hire cremation services in Bangalore to come and assist them in providing the wood that is needed to burn the dead body, and the actual place to burn the dead body.

Post-Cremation Rituals

After the corpse has been cremated, the family undergoes several post cremation practices though they are also important practices in honoring the dead.

Collecting the Ashes

When the body becomes fully consumed, the ashes are gathered with other bones that have not burned as yet. This collection is usually done the following day. The ashes are then proceeded to be put in an urn, and normally the family offers a small prayer with the ashes of their loved one.

Immersion in Sacred Water

In the past, the ashes were buried in a holy river or any water body like Ganga. This act represents passage of the soul from the physical realm and it is said to assist the deceased to the said happiness and moksha. Thus while some families may not be able to travel to these religious centers for immersion most cremation services in Bangalore provide for an alternative way of immersion that honors the rites as appropriate.

The Mourning Period

After the funerals, members of the family take time to mourn and often this might last for about 10-13 days. However, the role of a caregiver is to ensure all aspects of the chronically ill patient’s life are limited, including not attending occasions or functions that people consider as happy. People pray and meditate, and still perform some sort of routine in memory of their lost loved ones daily.

Final Rites and Remembrance

In addition to the mourning rites, Shraadh is the last rite that is conducted in honor of the dead person. This rite comprises feeding the dead by placing food and water as it will feed the soul during its time after death. These ceremonies may be conducted by priests invited by the members of a family and that way emphasizes their origin and religious beliefs.

Moreover, people carry out special prayers or other related matters conducted on the first anniversary of the death of the loved one emphasizing that the families still are connected with the dead even if their life is over.


Hindu death rites are very much culturally charged with religious and symbolic contents conveying dignity of life and death. Starting from the time the body is prepared up to the occasion of the cremation service and other follow-up services the practice has a way of giving closure to the families of the deceased. It helps the families within the cremation services in Bangalore organize such rituals in a dignified manner. 

For families who aim for traditional and non-commercialized places for cremation, the existence of the Chamarajpet wooden crematorium is designed for a decent and dignified cremation would ensure the dignity is given to the dead as families perform the cremation rituals that are long practised by Indian society.

Beleiv know how much a person can suffer in case of losing their close one, and try to help grieving families organize a funeral and to get information about cremation services in Bangalore, directly reach out the team.

About The Author

About The Author

Madhu is an Entrepreneur, a Mentor, a Writer and an Aspiring Car Race Driver. He is Deeply passionate about leveraging Technology and Human Centred Design to make complex care and End of Life Planning easier. With the ultimate aim of Improving the quality of Life in the Twilight years. Madhu is highly educated and Alumni of IIM-Bangalore, Sikkim Manipal University and Bangalore University besides a Rich Industry Experience in the field of Product Management, Design, Supply chain, Finance, Commercial Management and Funeral Services.



An Entrepreneur, a Mentor, a Writer and an Aspiring Car Race Driver. He is Deeply passionate about leveraging Technology and Human Centred Design to make complex care and End of Life Planning easier. With the ultimate aim of Improving the quality of Life in the Twilight years. Madhu is highly educated and Alumni of IIM-Bangalore, Sikkim Manipal University and Bangalore University besides a Rich Industry Experience in the field of Product Management, Design, Supply chain, Finance, Commercial Management and Funeral Services.

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